The birth of Mesick’s village government began in 1901. Shortly after the village was platted and the plat accepted, Howard Mesick constructed a sawmill and operated it the following winter. He also built the first store and installed Edward as the proprietor. Thus, Edward claims the honor of being the first merchant in Mesick. Shortly after that, Mesick sold the store to Mr. Galloway, who ran it for several years. Streets in Mesick acquired their names from the Mesick sons. The main street was titled Mesick Street and among the Mesick sons honored are Edward; Adelbert, who died in New York; Walter, who was killed in a logging accident many years ago; and John the youngest of the boys.
Furthermore, a jail was built in 1902. Telephone poles were installed in 1904, and gas lights in 1909. A water system was laid down in 1913 and electric power from the building of the Hodenpyl Dam come along in 1926. After the logging was finished around 1930, the loggers that did not move on with the lumber companies, such as Cummer and Diggins, assumed the occupation of farming. Potatoes were one of the first crops farmers tried to raise, which took most of the nutrients from the ground.
Places of Business

East end of Mesick on South Side
Starting at left of picture…
- Farmers’ and Merchants Bank
- Rice Print Shop and Community Library
- Updikes Restaurant
- Barber Shop
- Evitts Hotel
- Bells Store
- Meat Market
- McClish’s Garage
- Livery Stable

West end of Mesick on South Side
Starting at right of picture…
- Frank and Don McClish Ford Sales and Services
- Turner Hardware
- Ray Morrel Meat Market
- C R Bell General Merchandise
- Hotel Evitts

East End of Mesick on North Side
Starting at right of picture…
- Dr. McMannus occupied the building on the corner of Alvin and Mesick Avenue. This would be the one with the car parked in front. (He was about the only one in the area at that time that owned an automobile.) It was divided in half and a drugstore was the other occupant.
- Garrett’s Tavern
- White’s Restaurant
- Beauty Shoppe
- Don McClish Radio Service

West End of Mesick On North Side
Starting at left of picture…
- From left (shows only half bldg.) Lincoln Shepard Harness & Leather Goods + Paul & Dorthy Myers Hardware+ Paul and Betty Gibson Hardware. (This building burned and was replaced with a beauty shop in recent years).
- Howard Mesick’s general merchandise, sold to Henry Brooks in 1893, signed back to Eleanor Mesick, Hannah Joseph around 1904. Grace Schoenmaker 1943-Mesick Café–Charles and Leona Burton 22 years. Geraldine Corder was the last and final owner. Today the building sets empty. (Some say that this was the first store that Howard Mesick built).
- George & Hannah Joseph General Merchandise
- Charles Hockey’s Meat and Groceries (late 40’s)
- Clara Lockwoods Beauty Shoppe
- Floyd and Nina Gates’ Novelty Store-Post Office –Anstett’s Market